Strength: Every 1:30 for 7 rounds
2 power clean + 3 hang power clean
1 power clean + 2 hang power clean
WOD: For time
6 chest to bar pull ups (x1.5 pull ups/x2 jumping pull ups)
10 push press (40/25)
9 chest to bar pull ups
15 push press
12 chest to bar pull ups
20 push press
80 double unders (x2.5 single unders)
20 push press
12 chest to bar pull ups
15 push press
9 chest to bar pull ups
10 push press
6 chest to bar pull ups
CORE: 3 Rounds
:20 seconds max. rep top half v-ups
:20 seconds max. rep leg raises
:20 seconds hollow hold
:20 seconds rest!