A) Every 2:00 for 6 rounds
Round1- Round4
10 box jump over + 14 one arm dumbbell hang clean & press
max. rep hanging l-sit raises in remaining time
Round2- Round5
12 hanging l-sit raises + 10 box jump overs
max. rep one arm dumbbell hang clean & press in remaining time
Round3- Round6
14 one arm dumbbell hang clean & press + 12 hanging l-sit raises
max. rep box jump overs in remaining time
rest 1:00 between rounds
B)22 minutes time cap.
Teams of 2 complete
3 Rounds (synchronized)
10 burpee to plate
20 plate ground to overhead
30 top half v-ups
rest 2:00
then AMRAP (split as desired)
12 burpee to plate
24 plate ground to overhead
36 top half v-ups
100 single unders