EMOM 6 min.
3 paused back squats (3 seconds pause at the bottom)
rest 2:00
EMOM 6 min.
3 back squats
5 minutes time cap.
60 double dumbbell power clean
*every minute starts with 4 sit ups including at 0:00
max. rep wall ball in remaining time
rest 1:30
5 minutes time cap.
60 wall balls
*every minute starts with 4 double dumbbell power clean including at 0:00
max. rep sit ups in remaining time
rest 1:30
5 minutes time cap.
*every minute starts with 4 wall balls including at 0:00
max. rep double dumbbell power clean in remaining time
CORE: 3 Rounds for time
20 leg raises
40 seconds plank (on hands)