Strength: EMOM 12 min.
Round 1-4 4 power clean
Round 5-8 3 power clean
Round 9-12 2 power clean
WOD: EMOM 16 min.
min 1: max. rep push ups in
min 2: max. rep sumo deadlift high pull in
min 3: max. rep toes to bar (knees to chest) in
min 4: max. rep bodyweight reverse lunge in
:45-:40-:35-:30 on
:15-:20-:25-:30 off
Accessory: EMOM 9 min.
min 1: 15/15-20/20 seconds single leg wall sit
min 2: 30-45 seconds overhead plate hold
min 3: 30-45 seconds kettlebell/dumbbell farmer's hold