Strength: EMOM 10 min.
3 back squat (climbing) + 8 kettlebell russian swings (choose a challenging weight)
4 minutes time cap.
50 empty bar thrusters
*every minute starts with 3 burpees including at 0:00
max rep. tuck ups in remaining time
rest 1:30
4 minutes time cap.
50 burpee
*every minute starts with 5 tuck ups including at 0:00
max. rep empty bar thrusters in remaining time
rest 1:30
4 minutes time cap.
50 tuck ups
*every minute starts with 3 empty bar thrusters including at 0:00
max. rep burpee in remaining time
Accessory: 3 Rounds
10 dumbbell zottman curl
12/12 banded overhead triceps extension