Strength: Every 2:00 for 6 rounds
6-6-6-4-4-4 tempo deadlift
(2 seconds up, 3 seconds down, 1 second on the floor)
WOD: For time
16one arm dumbbell hang clean and press
10box jump overs
24 one arm dumbbell hang clean and press
15box jump overs
32 one arm dumbbell hang clean and press
20 box jump overs
40 back squats (40/25)
20 box jump overs
32 one arm dumbbell hang clean and press
15box jump overs
24 one arm dumbbell hang clean and press
10box jump overs
16one arm dumbbell hang clean and press
CORE: For time
20-15-10 hollow rocks
60-50-40 medicine ball russian twists